Review of Terrorstorm

Terrorstorm (2006 Video)
Alex Jones is a true American patriot
15 October 2006
Alex Jones is truly one of the bravest, patriotic people in America. Are his documentaries 100% accurate, exceptionally made or without controversy? Probably not, but I'm sure he's in the high 90's (97-99%). There's always room for everyone to not have 100% of the facts right 100% of the time. Does this mean he's wrong, a fool, a kook, an idiot, or that he's not a professional, or he's stupid? Of course not! And anyone who would make comments to attack someone's character after seeing Jones' films is basically just admitting that his films actually DO have substance and truth...after all, THAT is the only reason after hearing startling FACTS (like our own government would attack us) that you would attack the person's character...because you don't have a valid argument to bring to the table, and since one would be too stupid and uneducated to debate facts, they have no choice but to resort to name-calling and bashing Jones' character and saying he's "un-American". If he hated his country, he'd just say "screw you America, I'm moving to Canada or France" and not take his time to make these films to inform the sheep of America and the world. People that name-call and question one's patriotism are the Bill O'Reilly's of the world....true fascists. I noticed some bad reviews on here but yet they don't mention one specific area where Jones is wrong, or that he doesn't at least have a good argument. There's overwhelming evidence that 9-11 was not only known in advance by the Bush administration, but orchestrated by the black-op sectors of our government. Whether you totally disagree that 9-11 was an inside job, one MUST come to the conclusion that governments attack themselves. I have a copy of Operation Northwoods. You can't get any clearer than that document that governments attack and kill their own to gain support for their agendas. Anyone who reads Northwoods and still holds the position that "we wouldn't attack ourselves" is just plain blind and stupid, and is the type of person that believes evil will go away or doesn't exist at all if they just ignore it. Alex Jones is making sure it doesn't go ignored. Most of his claims and information comes right from the MEDIA and NEWS itself!! We're called conspiracy theorists when we have FOOTAGE of the news we report and tell people! Simply amazing. Look, people, it's easy calling someone a kook and a nut. It's not only easy, but is a sure indication that your name-calling stems from your lack of education and your desire for any truth. Your childish name-calling displays your laziness, apathy and your lack of knowledge. Wake up people. Stop contributing to American fascism. I'll leave you with a great line from Huey Long----"when fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a cross". Here is another excellent quote. You'll be amazed who said it. "That we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public"------guess who?? ........Theodore Roosevelt!! COULD YOU IMAGINE BUSH SAYING THAT????
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