Terrorstorm (2006 Video)
Full of lies and speculations without any facts
21 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When i thought that Alex Jones could not be more retarded in his theories, i was proved wrong.

The guy realised this video: TerrorStorm: A History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism (2006) - what awful trash!

In this so-called "documentary" Alex Jones tries to prove that the 7/7 London Bombings and the 3/11 Madrid Bombings were somehow caused by some secret-hidden-all-knowing-shadow-world-spanning-shadow-government, because they wanted some reasons to fight the war on terror - to create fear in a society.

My first thought was: what a cool science fiction movie. But then i thought what none of the conspiracy theorists could ever think: we do actually live in the real world.

The fact that Alex Jones never travelled to London or Madrid to investigate, but stayed in his basement doesn't speak well of the creditability of this home-video-documentary. But then again, conspiracy theorists aren't the most clever people in the world, if they even have an education, then they never leave their parents basements to see the world.

Alex Jones somehow tries to convince that these terrorist-attacks was carried out by their own governments. And he does so by using old websites, speculations and then he uses incidents in history that aren't fully documented and misuse them in his religious/political crusade against all reason and logic.

I still cant believe it: Alex Jones claims that all these secret shadow-government have no second thoughts about killing thousands of innocent people 9/11 in New York, the 7/7 in London and the 3/11 in Madrid, but somehow Alex Jones and all his cult-followers/conspiracy theorists are left alone?? WHY??? If these conspiracy theorists have uncovered the truth as they claim, then it is proved that all these shadow governments are so cynical that they have absolutely no second thoughts about committing mass-murder on their own people. They are cynical mass-murders, and the conspiracy theorists have proved this - but then why are the conspiracy theorists left alone to make more of these theories, that proves this? Why are they left alive to reveal all these government secrets, if the governments were willing to kill thousands of people just to create fear?? WHY ARE THEY LEFT ALIVE???

The answer is that there are no conspiracy! It is just a political-lie made up by conspiracy theorists on their political crusade against the right-wing people and people with brains, power and money.

And then another thing: if you are European, then you'll know that it is all just lies! Because if you have insight in the politics and voting-patterns before and after these attacks, then you will know that these attacks weren't carried out by their own governments (but the conspiracy theorists don't have the brains to research this on their own). According to these conspiracy theorists, these attacks were carried out by their own governments, because they want to create more fear, to bolster the support for the war on terror. Before the attacks in Britian, there was a big support behind the war on terror. After the terror-attacks, the support had decreased significantly - but the conspiracy theorist do not talk about this, because this doesn't fit into their filthy lies.

The same is even more the case with the bombs in Spain. Before the bombings in Madrid, there was a right-wing government in Spain under José María Aznar. A government that was a big supporter of George Bush's new line, and his War on Terror. Spain even had many troops in Iraq. Then the terrorist-attacks happened in Madrid. If you follow the conspiracy way of thinking, then the government must have known all along, and would have pointed out that it was extreme Islamists (patsies) from the start (like the conspiracy bible: "JFK"). But then a funny thing happened: The government under José María Aznar, accused Basque nationalist organisation (ETA) of making this terror-attack. Why did he and the government do that, if they have planned it themselves? Should they not have blamed it on Extreme Islamists, so that they could create more fear and hate towards Muslims? Would they not have claimed that it was Al-Quada from start, instead of ETA? The answer is that they never did plan it - it is just another filthy lie from the conspiracy theorists. The after-match was that the Spanish Government fell. The Spanish Government had tried to pin this attack on ETA. The Spanish public did not like that. The Spanish government knew that the Spanish public would pin the terror-attacks on them, because Spain had enraged the extreme Islamists, by having troops in Iraq, thus causing the Islamic-terrorists to attack Spain. The Spanish Government knew this, so they tried to pin it on ETA - the strategy failed, and the government was replaced by a left-winged government, who pulled the Spanish troops out of Iraq. Yet another thing that the conspiracy theorists never mentions, because it doesn't fit into their web of filthy lies.

None of the conspiracy theorists who believe in this "documentary" have any insight into European politics, they just assume that it is the same as USA - but it is not. Please try to educate yourself, little Conspiracy theorists, it is pathetic to listen to your childish talk about things you do not know anything about.

This "documentary" is full of lies and speculations without any facts. It is simply awful - don't watch it.
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