Review of Terrorstorm

Terrorstorm (2006 Video)
What everybody in the USA needs to watch...
24 October 2006
Alex Jones does an excellent job exposing the criminal activities of the global elite. He shows us that the New World Order (NWO) is not a so-called "conspiracy theory," but a real and evil force that threatens life as we know it.

We get a history lesson on government sponsored terrorism, seeing historical examples of the horrible ways that freedom loving people have been deceived, coerced, and as their unalienable rights are usurped, been enslaved.

We are then faced with inarguable evidence that the recent terrorism attacks were all engineered and implemented by their respective governments.

The middle-class is being targeted and destroyed. Our constitution is being eviscerated, and the Bill of Rights deemed null and void. The future of that rights that we cherish are at stake, and now is the time to act! We are at the point of no return, and if we don't join forces against the New World Order, the future of mankind will be cut short.

This nation is, technically, now dead. America's heart has stopped beating. If we unite together against this evil force, we are still in the narrow window of where resuscitation is possible.

Now is the time!
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