The Simpsons: Mother Simpson (1995)
Season 7, Episode 8
The Saddest Episode Ever
27 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers

Mother Simpson is without a doubt, the saddest episode ever. Homer fakes his death to get out of picking up garbage for Mr. Burns. Everyone comes to his house and tells Marge how very sorry they are for her. Marge tells Homer to straighten it out. While straightening it out, his profile says that his mother is alive. Homer, of course, doesn't believe it and goes to her grave, but it wasn't her grave, it was....Walt Whitman?! Darn you, Walt Whitman! Homer then goes to the gravestone with Simpsons on it, but it's his grave. He falls in it and a woman scolds him. He then finds out that it is his long-lost mother, Mona Simpson, voiced by who else than Glenn Close! Mona supposedly died when Homer was at the movies.

Homer then acts like a little boy again, but when police come by she hides. Mysterious, right? Bart and Lisa find her purse full of false drivers' license, including Martha Stewart. Mona then tells them why she abandoned Homer.

She says she joined a hippie group and helped destroy Mr. Burns's germs, thus curing Wiggum's Asthma. She is caught by Mr. Burns but escapes, becoming a fugitive. The Simpsons try to hide her but are found by the cast of Dragnet. Wiggum helps Homer and Mona escape because she helped cure his Asthma. She then takes a bus out of Springfield, with the last quote of the episode, "D'oh." Homer watches his mother drive away and he stays and looks up at the stars as the credits roll.

The music at the end is the saddest, best music in the Simpsons ever. I was amazed that they didn't nominate this for an Emmy. This episode, and definitely the ending, is the most saddest episode in Simpson history.

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