Review of Fridays

Fridays (1980–1982)
Regarding Fridays on DVD
3 November 2006
When I was 14, My mother was in the news because she was reunited with her oldest son that she gave up for adoption. It made its way to world News and ended up on the TV show "Fridays" News with Chardoff as the anchor woman. I contacted ABC to see if I could get a copy of this one show. "Archives" department told me there is no set date to release Fridays on DVD. Thats really to bad. they would make a ton of money. I think ABC should consider releasing Fridays on DVD. I think I read somewhere that the shows producers had a really small budget and used some cruddy cameras. The video may have degraded to the point where it wouldn't be usable today. But I don't know if there is any truth to that or not. I still think they should at least try and save what video they have and digitalized it and maybe remaster it so its broadcast quality and save it for future generations to come.
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