Mystery Men (1999)
Back in 1999...
13 November 2006
This film is a shining example of the good old days known as the nineties. Back in those days, comedies meant something. And they're remembered even now in certain quarters. This film is brilliant because it not only provides an insurmountable amount of laughs and fun concepts, it also show how people as a whole truly can be. This is said because the movie showed through examples of goofy pseudo-superheroes that people are who they are and just have to work that to their advantages.

Mushy sentiment aside, the film starts off by showing a trio of superheroes in Champion City (an overt, if functioning title for a city) trying to fight but losing. With yet another defeat tallied up and a substantially important city personage missing, the three superheroes decide to recruit some newer members to their fold and fight off the fiend who started this mess. As luck would have it, it all seems to go awry, until they enlist the help of a big-time superhero as well as a deranged scientist (played to the hilt by the great Tom Waits) who offers them weapons. It then remains on our newfound heroes to fight the villain and save more than the city. All in all, an excellent film for all with limited cursing, little or no sexual humour, and just a wee bit (bad pun) of toilet humour.
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