Prison Break: Bolshoi Booze (2006)
Season 2, Episode 11
Slows down the chase as we head for a mid-season break
14 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The show is back this week with more of the same old same old. But it's exciting folks. Here's why. T-Bag for instance scores some points by keeping the money train on the tracks. Rather than returning to the general prison population with a few more felonies (including murder) he opts to again sever his hand from his body. That's the kind of action that keeps Prison Break in the top of its field. Too bad we can't have that desperation from our star, Michael.

Not matter what the gods have in store for him he still cannot act in a frantic manner without feeling guilt. The only way he can prove to himself that he does still have a pulse is to repent his sins. A little clichéd but nonetheless an effective way to separate his character from the likes of his ruthless escape-mates who are either dead or without limbs. I think we will see another Michael transformation when he realizes his special lady Sarah has been axed by Special Agent Kellerman.

But again the brain of the boy-Michael comes through as his selflessness for a would be reward abuser, garnishes the group of good ex-cons the correct co-ordinates to a trip to freedom. Well done. But I'm still confused about a few timelines. Is Agent Mahone, hours from his catch or is he only seconds? And when can we expect C-Note and the family join the crowd? Also I would love to hear more about Haywire and his trip to Holland.

Nothing was wrong with this episode. The money is back where we want it to be. In a place where it will be exploited in the most fantastic of ways, T-Bag's disturbing mind. Here's to a plane ride to Thailand before the opening credits next week, or at least before the show leaves for 5 months again.
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