Season one
18 November 2006
The theme song was by Randy Newman, I think it was 'Maybe you're falling in love" (I know that was in the chorus as least).

This short-lived series was great. And as the previous poster had mentioned, one of the better episodes was when Marshall helped Johnny cheat, only to find that Johnny had let the whole class in on the system. Almost the entire class scored a 94, thanks to Marshalls code (multiple choice answers led by which corner on the desk Marshall laid his hand). And the teacher, Mr. Gellimeeno (?sp) telling the class "with the exception of Marshall here, the rest of your test scores combined at the end of the semester have never totaled 94). Then Johnny comes to Marshall's rescue by saying "Look at him...he looks like Elvis' pharmacist at the inquest" then blames "the cheating thing" on Victor, who is suspended from school thereafter, and later, off-screen you can hear Victor bellowing "Yo! Gelloimeeno! SUSPEND THIS!" The dialog was always from the hip and hilarious. Still remember when Marshall and the girl he had been pining for went to get tattoo's. Two kids that looked like absolute squares at the tattoo parlor. The owner comes out from behind a curtain and says "Who's next? Oh...you two,"Sid and Nancy"." Then he ducks behind the curtain again and bellows "My God! Can't you stop the flow?" Too bad it didn't see a longer run.
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