Review of Sixty Six

Sixty Six (2006)
Is Paul Weiland The Most Underrated Director In England?
22 November 2006
Personally, I think so. For those of you unaware of his work he is responsible for directing almost all of the Mr Bean programmes which have entertained generations of multi lingual people, he also directed my favourite film, Bernard and the Genie. For those of you unaware of this film please search for it now and look at some of the comments about it has received, its quite simply the best Christmas film ever recorded. He delivers simple but massively effective narratives which appeal to all ages, easy to watch films which last long in the memory of all those who watch them. I fear Sixty Six will not be well received due to poor marketing (who exactly did it appeal too? I only watched it on the strengh of its director) but having just watched it I can assure anyone thinking about giving it a go to just WATCH IT! Its hilariously funny and deeply moving and the story flows like a butterfly. I was utterly dismayed I was sharing the experience of Sixty Six with 4 other people knowing full well it would be enjoyed by thousands if not millions more. Paul Weiland please stand up and take your place as one of Englands finest directors/writers and for the love of all things sacred make more films and continue the 'Bernie' trend :)
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