Star Trek: The Cloud Minders (1969)
Season 3, Episode 21
Pretty good for a later episode
12 December 2006
This is a pretty good episode that nearly merits a score of 8. The Enterprise arrives at a strange planet in search of dilithium crystals. The rulers of the planet live in a lovely city sitting in the clouds and they spend most of their days relaxing and thinking noble thoughts. The rest of the planet must live in the caves and work as miners and their lives totally suck. The dichotomy and basic unfairness of this isn't an issue to the people in the clouds (no big surprise) but the miners are sick of their lot in life. Plus, although no one knows it, inside the mines is Zenite gas, that makes the miners more angry and hostile. But, mediating the rebellion that erupts is something that seems impossible for the crew--especially since the cloud people are major jerks and the miners behave, when around the gas, like they are crazy. So, the Kirk-Meister, who is desperately in need of the crystals, creates an effective solution that isn't exactly in sync with the prime directive!!! All in all, an interesting episode that is quite thought-provoking.

By the way, it really was pretty cool for once to see the "hot babe" go for Spock and not Kirk!! For once, there's a woman who wants a smart and not a studly man!
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