best cartoon ever
17 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i watched this cartoon in 1996, when i was back in Iran. we used to setup a satellite dish in the backyard and cover it with plastic bags, and decorating it with dried leaves and junk so the Islamic police wont find it and put us in jail. i used to watch the turner network channel in the mornings, which swat kats was a part of the morning cartoon network show. i recorded all the episodes just in case we have to remove the dish due to increased risk of being caught by the Islamic police. i now have been living in Canada for 8 year. my standards have changed, but still i watch the episodes that sometimes air on cartoon network here. what more is to tell about how awesome it was, so how come no more episodes? does turner TV makes and funds shows for us viewers, or they put on what ever they want that they might like and agree with, and that way they think they get us to agree with their wrong decision on show cancellation? or maybe it is because they get orderer from somewhere else that swat kats are changing the minds of viewers the way they don't agree with. that is why FOX canceled TITUS. his view didn't agree with a ultra conservative republican network, because it promoted homosexuality and blaming yourself and your parents the way you tuned up. what can i say, maybe it is better to watch less TV, so we don't get hooked this way, and when they cancel the best shows just to screw with us, they cant.

it is sort of like back in Iran. in Iran every movie or TV show made had to be approved by Islamic religious departments, and if it had no radical Islamic message in it, it wouldn't have been aired, and if it was aired and it became more popular than ultra radial Islamic programs, it would have been canceled, its makers jailed, and its performers fired from any media activity forever. this is one of the reasons i got out of Iran. here canceling the show and owing its rights to be aired again is similar to there, good thing they didn't jail swat kats creators.

i, now, in full awareness of mind and body, swear i will be watching less TV and going to less number of movies, so the networks wont have a way of screwing with me.
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