Review of Three Dollars

Three Dollars (2005)
A terrible movie
20 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst movies ever made.

The family scenes were excessively sweet or unnecessarily volatile. The wife seems to lose her job just so that the main character's subsequent job loss would seem more serious. The daughter experiences a seizure also just for dramatic effect. The main character has a brief romantic encounter with his wife's friend. It comes from nowhere and disappears unexplained and unexpected just as quickly. The childhood friend who keeps appearing every 9 1/2 years is a forced attempt at an intertwined story and could have been left out with no adverse effect on the story.

The movie seems to attempt social commentary on a range of issues but doesn't manage to increase understanding or empathy for the characters it portrays. It suggests that the screenwriters have only ever experienced the world they are trying to portray from a long distance and have opinions but no insight to bring to the movie.

The dialogue is terrible, pseudo-intellectual and dull. The acting is generally second rate apart from a few standout performances. The movie looks like the result of a first draft of a script which should have been polished, trimmed, and adapted much further before being unleashed upon the public. I suffered through this movie hoping that it would redeem itself by the end. Unfortunately it resolved nothing and was as implausible and uninspired in its ending as it was for its entire interminable duration.
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