This will make you cry….
4 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I cried at the end of this movie – twice. The first was when the cancer victim (Helfer) began her monologue about dying (which shook me to the soul); and then, when I thought it was over, I got touched again by Stephen Baldwin's performance when he talks about his mother who died. Incredibly moving performances. It kind of reminded me of 'Dead Poet's Society' in that every scene builds to the climatic end. My friend saw this film 5 times (which is insane). After the 5th time, you become numb to any film. But I see lots of films and this is one of the great surreptitious movies (does anyone remember 'Guarding Tess'?) that gradually builds an audience through word of mouth. A solid 8.5 overall.
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