Flyin' Ryan (2003 Video)
Fun Kids' Film for Young Kids
14 January 2007
Flyin' Ryan is for young kids. It's about a boy who moves to a small town and then gets magical shoes that allow him to fly. The lead actor, Andy Weiss, looks like a young Ron Howard and he is terrific as "Ryan".

Damon Schoeffler, who portrays the bully, is great as bully. Actor Bruce Tenenbaum, who portrays the bully's father, is hysterically funny, yet ominous enough. The movie is low budget and shot on video, but it is meant for young kids, like my younger sister and brother (ages 5 and 7), they think it is great. The magic shoes are Heeley's and any young kid who has those wheeled tennis shoes will really enjoy this flick.

The soundtrack is strong. Composer Mel Lewis has scored dozens of movies including many for Roger Corman.
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