Review of Torment

Torment (1944)
Hitchcock would have loved making this!
1 February 2007
Considered as a legendary coming-of-age work for Swedish film-making, and I can clearly see why: Scripted by Ingmar Bergman, it's a psychologically intriguing drama of morals and authority abuse, with a thriller aura, that's effectively placed in a high school setting.

Two of its story- and directorial strengths are: 1. Not turning into a standard young-lovers-on-the-run melodrama as I feared along the way. The two harassed youngsters indicate romance, indeed, but are mainly portrayed as identity strugglers on the brink of adulthood. 2. Painting a believably two-dimensional portrait of the tormentor - is he sick... or just plain evil? We also get a captivating look at school & teaching methodology. Great scene in the map room!!

And by a 1944 standard, it holds a surprisingly fresh, naturally flowing dialog for my Swedish ears! Stark B&W photography that is reminiscent of Hitchcock, contributes to its emotional tension, as well. I think the old Master would have loved making this!

7 out of 10 from Ozjeppe.
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