Kit for Cat (1948)
Elmer Befriends Two Cats....And Pays A Price
6 February 2007
Sylvester is out in some alleyway, searching for food among the garbage cans. Suddenly, he spots a kitten doing the same right near him. "Say there, small fry," he says, "I'm working this side of the street. Now scram. Beat it!"

Sylvester boots the little guy across the street. Suddenly a cold, hard wind comes up and the cat decides he needs to "find a warm place to flop." He goes up to a house, pounds on the door and pleads, "Please save a frost-bitten feline from a frozen fate!"

Who answers the door? Elmer Fudd! Elmer, being a nice guy, lets the cat in and puts him on a nice easy chair next to the fireplace and tells him, "Please consider this your home now, Mister Pussycat."

Seconds later, someone else in knocking on the door: the little kitty. Elmer can't believe it. "Great grasshoppers," he says, "another orphan of the storm!"

Elmer tells the felines, "I can only keep one of you," but it's obvious he thinks the little kitten is cuter and probably will be the one to stay. Sylvester is no sap; he sees this and goes to work to get the little kitten in trouble and force Elmer to pick him as his pet. Needless to say, whatever Sylvester cooks deservedly backfires. Some of the scenes are very clever, such as the cat doing his balancing act with falling dishes.

Overall, a good cartoon, although justice didn't prevail in the end, at least for the "nice guy."
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