Angel: Life of the Party (2003)
Season 5, Episode 5
It's not like this is the first time I've had sex under a mystical influence
10 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's not like this is the first time I've had sex under a mystical influence - One of the silliest and most unnecessary episodes of the entire series, it was my least favorite episode not too long ago. However it has grown on me, despite the silliness it's nice to have a feel-good episode around, and there are still enough giggle moments in this one. It's halloween and while everyone is busy working at W&H, 'Lorne' is trying to organize a party but nobody else really seems cares. Eventually he gets his party and it seems to go pretty well, until they all realize that they're doing exactly what 'Lorne' asks them to, the wallflowers aka 'Fred' and 'Wes' are drunk without drinking, 'Spike' is being optimistic, 'Angel' has lots of sex with 'Eve' and 'Gunn' pees all over the place. It's all happening because 'Lorne' got his sleep removed which now has manifested into a Lorne-Hulk. It all ends well when drunk 'Fred' shoots 'Lorne's sleep right back into him. Like I said, the episode is very silly but it has plenty to go around, like 'Harmony's dancing, the Arch Dukes little creature that likes Gunn's peepee and the Fred/Wes elevator scene which cracks up me every time. ANGEL: Look, Lorne, I, I, I have things. I'm busy. I'm brooding. LORNE: Oh, you're watching hockey! ANGEL: Yeah, but my team is losing! (7.0 out of 10)
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