Extremely Fast-Moving 'Toon
13 February 2007
Tom sees an advertisement in the newspaper that reads, "Intelligent cat to act as traveling companion for elderly lady. Apply in person at 13 Sunnydale Road." Well, since his owner has been on his case today after Tom broke some china, he sets off for greener pastures.

However, at the address is a haunted-type house that looks just like "The Munsters" home. When he gets inside, a witch with a broom meets him, scaring Tom out of his wits. Off they go for a test run (for him) on her broom, zooming all over the place. Tom, although petrified, passes the test. Later, he decides to go for a joyride on the broom, and winds up scaring Jerry, who was resting at home. Once inside the house, the broom does a lot of funny things on its own, tormenting the mouse. When Tom gets back, the witch is not happy and Tom is in more trouble.

There is a surprise ending, which I won't mention, but overall this was one of the fastest-moving Tom & Jerry animated shorts I've ever seen. It seemed like it was over moments after it started which means it was very entertaining.
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