Hot Fuzz (2007)
Perfect example of British comedy talent.
16 February 2007
Hot Fuzz is the best movie I've seen in a long time. Fact.

Surprisingly maybe, I have to admit Shaun of the Dead really disappointed me in 2004, and also again when I re-watched it not six months ago. So as you can perhaps imagine it took a little persuasion from my Girlfriend to get me to see the latest incarnation from Penn, Frost and Wright...

... But, I'm really glad she did.

The composition was excellent. Comedy, gore, direction and CGI are all integrated fantastically to create a cleverly unpredictable plot. It's not often I enthuse as much as this about a film, and I didn't think I would be doing so about this one, but I am.

The wealth of acting talent involved was staggering, with names such as Broadbent, Nighy, Bailey and Dalton occupying slots on the roster. Not only that, but all of the other roles were portrayed in remarkable fashion, and one can be proud of one's Britishness for it.

The CGI was fabulous, really good. With it, the film had that Hollywood touch, but with spades of Britishness. It worked fabulously as a parody more than anything.

Very good idea, very good plot, very good film. At last something which satisfies.
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