So bad it's good
25 February 2007
I just watched it for the first time, the original Russian-language version restored in 2001. I really enjoyed it. It definitely belonged on MST3K. I grew up in USSR but somehow never saw it as a child. Maybe it was not broadcast because it needed restoration, maybe because it's pretty ridiculous. Probably the former.

As somebody noted, the make-up job on Solovey-razboynik (wind devil?) is pretty impressive. He shows up about 10-15 mins into the film.

Note a repeating theme on the soundtrack, an interesting rip-off of Ravel's Bolero.

This film would definitely suffer a lot from bad dubbing. The original dialogue really suits the acting. It is a pastiche of Russian epic tales, and half of it is written in blank verse in a certain meter: two anapests, one trochee, one dactyl.

Tamara Nosova played a maid at Vladimir's palace and is not credited on IMDb. You just get a few glimpses of her.
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