Looove "Love That Brute"!
25 February 2007
PAUL DOUGLAS, JEAN PETERS, KEENAN WYNN, CEASER ROMERO, JOAN DAVIS, ARTHUR TREACHER. I don't know about anyone else, but when I see a marquee like this, I just can't resist watching the movie. I never tire of so-called second string movies starring second string stars, so-called. "Love That Brute" is a perfect example. At less than 90 minutes, it doesn't wear out its welcome. Light comedy, yes, but so very well worth watching. To me, the best performance here is by kid actor PETER PRICE as a tough talking, pint size sized mug with an adults eye for a cute tomato. He appeared in only four more movies, which is a shame. Perhaps his role here as junior gangster type cast him. I don't know, but he's just great. The rest of the cast is good too. I'm a fan of each and very one of them. Packing them all into one flick is heaven for someone like me who's a fan of both under appreciated movies and their stars. Also tossed in for good measure are CHARLES LANE, JOE GRAY, JACK ELAM, SID TOMACK and noir regular JAY C. FLIPPEN. They're all faces you know even if ya don't know the names. And if you really love movies, then you're always on the lookout for entertaining films that fall below the Oscar radar but are still fun to see. "Love That Brute" certainly fits the bill. The only thing I really didn't like was the title. Anyway, if you feel like you've seen every movie ever made EXCEPT "Love That Brute" and find it on the Fox Movie Channel one afternoon as I did, tune in. Having felt as though I'VE seen every movie ever made, "Love That Brute" was a great discovery. If it's ever on again and I know about it, I think I'll tune in for another go-around.
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