Terrorstorm (2006 Video)
are you one of the illiterati . . . ?
27 February 2007
I'm amazed that even once the nature of these videos is revealed to the viewer, they still attract unintelligent, illiterate replies as the one featured on this IMDb page.

The point of this movie is this... go looking for sensitive information and you will find documents that inevitably force you to ask difficult questions. You may not like the manner in which you were forced to consider these questions, but as soon as you're unable to provide substantial answers (beyond defaming individuals who have chosen to look outside the box), you will become paralysed by knowing that you've been lied to, and impassioned (like Jones, Avery etc) to find the truth.

There is always a figure in power, willing to do anything to stop the truth from being told....

So, if you value the media industry and your right to understand how information is disseminated, and more importantly the quality of that information,... I suggest you look into this film -- and others like it: 9/11 Mysteries, Loose Change 911 -- and most especially "Hijacking Catastrophe", an excellent piece of documentary work.

Then, and only when you've matured out of the view that what we're told is true, or that one person's public reputation is worth more than another, it becomes worthwhile to investigate movies like TerrorStorm.

Otherwise, you might as well log-off from IMDb now, check your TV-Times and prepare a feast of junk-food in time for Wheel of Fortune on Channel Two. While you sit, glued to your sofa, killing your chances (and ours!) of survival, because you failed to realise that you have the power to lift this veil of secrecy that surrounds us, and that the truth really IS out there.

But -- if you're not interested in discovery, then why on earth would you be interested in watching this film, or others like it...? Conspiracy theories are only minority opinion until an impartial investigation can reveal the facts -- and when they do, the tidal wave of mainstream consensus comes flooding along, shepherding us all along in the same direction, just to make the world seem round again.

You may not like Alex Jones, Dylan Avery, David Icke or Charlie Sheen (tho personally I think he did good on Wall Street),.... but at least do us the favour of reviewing the CONTENT Of their films and reviewing the NETWORK of evidence they have had the inspiration to present, instead of purely criticising their DELIVERY.

Btw, Amazon really do deliver for free... no propaganda in that statement!...

To those who wish to Keep their mind safe and secure... keep questioning what you're told to believe. Eventually the riddle will run dry and we'll all realise how much propaganda we've swallowed.

Or, pay your taxes & play the lottery. But don't dare dream of protest when your government blows your brother apart, one sunny day on a packed tube-train-ride into work.

This is a film for independent thinkers. It is not gospel,.. merely an evolution of thoughts.... like all real-media. Find someone with a delivery you enjoy and you'll also enjoy realising how little you really know.

>> from a UK 7/7 survivor...
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