Family Rental
6 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Noriko's Dinner Table is quite possibly one of the best films I've ever seen.

I will not give away any spoilers about the movie, but I will say that it is beautifully done. Each scene seems as if it were painstakingly and obsessively done, paying attention to the tiniest of detail. As with all of Sono's films, the camera angles and shots are unique, and make you feel like you're a part of the story that's unfolding.

Many people consider the length of the movie to be it's downfall, and with good reason. 2 hours and 30 minutes is one long movie, but it holds together very well. In the end, you'll feel like you were a part of what was happening, and it will affect you, for better or worse.

What many people are concerned about, however, is it's connection to Sion Sono's cult classic Suicide Club. There is a definite connection, and it does explain a little of what happened throughout Suicide Club. But it still leaves some small questions unanswered. Nothing is left unanswered in Noriko's Dinner Table, but there's still a little we don't understand from Suicide Club.

This brings me to the meaning behind family in Noriko's Dinner Table. Sion Sono's ideas and meanings are portrayed, and excellently, through sometimes complex symbolism that may take a few watches to understand. The movie is separated into chapters, and the story, how it's told, is broken into pieces and presented to you at little bits at a time. You wont get the full picture until the end of the movie.

Noriko's Dinner Table is an amazing film.

I ordered it from Japan for about 30-some-odd bucks, and I can say it was worth the money and the two week wait to receive it in the mail. I've had it two days, and already watched it three times. It's amazing, not what I expected, but amazing.

A quick note, do not expect what we saw in Suicide Club. A little of that same horror-esquire feeling is there, but it's really a drama at heart. An amazing drama.

This is the mature, grown-up Suicide Club.

Everyone should watch this movie.
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