Lapinlahden linnut misses a beat
26 March 2007
It was two years since the legendary "Maailman kahdeksan ihmettä" (Eight Wonders of the World, 1990) when Lapinlahden linnut presented us with a brand new sketch series, "Kuudesti laukeava" (The Six-Shooter).

"Kuudesti laukeava" starts with one of the strongest Lapinlahden linnut jokes ever. The previous series had ended with a disgruntled factory worker who melted completely after getting a medal and a handshake from his bosses. Incidentally, Finland's worst recession since wartime hit between these two series, resulting in 20% unemployment and other misery. So, this series begins with the bosses coming back at the whistling worker, claiming he is to blame for unemployment, the failing economy, the bank crisis, and whatnot. As a punishment they take away his medal and beat him to a pulp, after which he continues working just as disgruntled as two years ago! That's Lapinlahden linnut at their best and nastiest.

Despite the strong start, the series lacks punch as a whole. Jokes are often too long, particularly format sketches like the weekly Star Trek parody (funny idea, but repetition didn't help it). Another weakness is that they tried to create roles for beautiful young women they liked. And just as with Monty Python, the boys are ten times better playing women than real girls, or these ones at least.

There are occasional highlights in this series, too, but they are not as frequent as with the predecessor "Maailman kahdeksan ihmettä". So although "Kuudesti laukeava" is much funnier than the completely abysmal "Lapinlahden linnut!" (1995), it falls short of the genius of "Maailman kahdeksan ihmettä" and the good pace of its follow-up series "Lapinlahden linnut -show" (1993).

I'm giving "Kuudesti laukeava" a six out of ten because it still is above average, and the best sketches like "The friendly policeman" are truly funny. Too bad so much of this series is spent with lower quality material.
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