Review of 300

300 (2006)
3 April 2007
Deary me, what a pile of tosh this turned out to be. With a lead actor who sounded more like Sean Connery with every uttered syllable (and don't get me wrong - I love Scottish accents, being a Scot myself), coupled with lots of manly shouting, muscle-flexing, shaking of spears, shield-beating and limb-lopping, this was the most pretentious, pointless, plot less bit of guff I've seen in a long time. Oh, and a phalanx (NOT 'fay-lanx,' as someone pronounced it) that wasn't. And war rhinos. And dire tripe for dialogue. And I'm not even going to start about the dreadful historical inaccuracy, although it is apparently far more important these days to be faithful to a comic book - oops - sorry - graphic novel - than it is to actual historical facts.

It looked pretty, though. But good-looking visuals do not a fine film make. This was nothing but hoo-ha.
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