Review of Birth

Absolutely Fabulous: Birth (1994)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not the best episode from season 2, but not the worst
8 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Birth" starts with a fire in the kitchen that was caused by Patsy's careless cigarette smoking. The next day finds Saffy expecting company, but luckily Eddy and Patsy have plans to go out. Of course something has to go wrong, and Mrs. M. accidentally locks Saffy, Edina, and Patsy in the sitting room just before she leaves the house. It's soon realized Saffy's soon-to-arrive company is actually a boy she likes. As the anger of being locked in subsides, Edina tries to talk to Saffy about dating and sex. Birth stories are also told, and Edina's birth is re-created as she experiences stress-induced rebirthing therapy. Patsy's birth is also shown in flashback, and Eleanor Bron returns as Patsy's mother. Edina then tells the story of Saffy's birth. In the flashback, Edina and Justin prepare to have Saffy born "on a carpet of roses." Mrs. M. finally returns to the house, and unlocks the door to the sitting room. Edina and Patsy spot Saffy's mystery boy as they prepare to leave.
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