Funny In Just One Spot
11 April 2007
"Beaky Buzzard" was another Looney Tunes effort that never made it past a couple of efforts. This cartoon did offer some laughs, though.

Mama buzzard, complete with a strong, stereotypical Italian accent, sends her four boys out on a mission - get food! Three of them head out in formation and start dive bombing immediately. The fourth is a shy little guy who sounds exactly like Edgar Bergen's ventriloquist character "Mortimer Snurd." He isn't just shy; he's just plain stupid. He's sarcastically called "killer."

The cartoon started stupidly but did get funny when the buzzards started bringing back food to the nest high up in the mountains.What they brought back was astounding - and funny! Unfortunately, the 'toon reverts back to stupid near the end with the little guy inadvertently bringing back a surprise, but it's not really humorous.

I can see why this idea didn't work.
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