Watch It Only For The CGI's
13 April 2007
This TV program is apparently taking bits and pieces out of the Walking With Dinosaurs and Beasts series, combining with the more exciting portions of the Jurassic Park movies then embellishing with sections of Steve Irwin's wildlife documentaries, all in the hope of creating an "original" series. Well, didn't work with me. It does have its highlights, such as introducing obscure and relatively little-known creatures like the giant millipede and eagle-sized dragonfly, but the downsides far outweigh it. Surely even pre-school viewers would know that wooden enclosures are woeful insufficient to safely contain TWO T-Rexes. And if the aim of the park was to preserve and propagate prehistoric wildlife, why did Nigel and company choose to time-travel back to when the species were nearly extinct (as in the case of the smilodons and mammoth) and not when they were at the height of their glory?And how would they expect to breed more triceratops if they brought back only one male? It is highly entertaining for the CGIs (Computer generated images) of the animals but for educational purposes, it leaves a lot to be desired.
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