I'm still not sure whether I enjoyed this film or not...
20 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
-likely there are no real spoilers here, but I do hate all spoilers, so erred on the side of caution.-

I'm not sure if I am happy or sad that this film was so beautifully shot - had it not been, I would have stopped watching it pretty quickly.

I found many elements of the Marcos and Ana plot really annoying (the conceits and the situations both). Although I appreciate a beautiful body, the contrast between the actors felt more exploitative than honest. A "truer" actress playing Ana (that is, not quite so fetching and physically perfect) would have made it less annoying. As for the sex, it was not as awful as some made it out to be - or perhaps reading the comments before watching made me expect much worse (that and I'm not fat phobic). Some scenes struck me as just right and way over done at the same time (the onanistic football watching scene is a perfect example, too much but there was something about it that I just loved).

The comments here by Spanish speakers that the acting was just atrocious made me realize how much can be forgiven when you don't speak the language of the film, but even I cringed at some of the performances. The scene in the countryside between Marcos and his wife for example. Ouch.

During one scene we watch Marcos walking, walking, walking through the countryside, with that dead look on his face. It would have been excruciatingly dull to watch but the landscape was breathtaking. Like I said in the beginning, the photography saved this film for me. Mexico City looks amazing in this film - I feel as though I have really *seen* the city in a way I never have previously. And the sound (so heavy on the ambient) was enjoyable as well.

On a philosophical note, I tire of the notion that women's bodies are for wide consumption, and of seeing violence against women as portrayed in many films (as routine), but even with those predispositions, I could enjoy the film - well, aspects of it. The last 20 minutes or so... meh.

But it was a beautiful film, for all of the flaws I saw in it. So, there you go.
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