Darkwing Duck (1991–1992)
Kids Don't Have Shows Like This Anymore
23 April 2007
I think everyone has shows they look back on with nostalgia, comparing them to what's on TV today and thinking, "Cartoons were so much better when I was a kid!" For me, that show was Darkwing Duck.

I was only two years old when the show was released, but growing up I caught nearly all of the episodes in reruns on Disney. I'll admit that at one point in my life I wanted to marry Darkwing. (Along with Negaduck, Launchpad, the Liquidator, and Bushroot.) Ask me about my childhood, and if the first thing I mention isn't this show, you can bet I'll start humming the theme song as I think.

Darkwing Duck was not only a clever series with great parodies of the more serious super hero shows, it was also funny without the bathroom humor or ADHD plots you get on kid's shows these days. Darkwing Duck always got a message across, without being loud and in your face about it. Now that I'm a teenager, I've seen some of the old episodes. Much to my delight, it wasn't just nostalgia making me thing Darkwing was great-it really is. It's just as funny to me at age seventeen as it was at age five.

It's a shame Disney stopped making shows like these.
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