Review of Vixen!

Vixen! (1968)
Let's accept it for what it is.
25 April 2007
Just the title "Vixen!" should identify what sorts of things this movie entails. Specifically, hot young Vixen Palmer (Erica Gavin) lives in British Columbia with her pilot husband and beds every man - and sometimes every woman - who comes her way. I get the feeling that along with looking at some of the important issues of the era, Russ Meyer really wanted to provoke a few emotions in people with this movie, given how Vixen makes racist comments to an African-American motorcyclist who fled the US to avoid getting sent to Vietnam. If he wanted to provoke emotions, then he sure provoked horniness in me with some of those sex scenes! Yes, it's mostly brainless erotica. Well, it doesn't pretend to be anything else. You're watching a nice, steamy movie, and you'd better accept it as such. Because this is one ultra-super-enjoyable movie. Hubba hubba...
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