A Cult In The Making
5 May 2007
I knew Libero De Rienzo as an actor for "Santa Maradona" but I didn't know he had directed a movie. Some time ago, an American director, Martin Donovan, directing an Italian movie spoke of "Sangue, la morte non esiste" as a movie that showed the infinite possibilities of the new Italian cinema. He used words to describe Libero De Rienzo that were full of genuine admiration. I felt kind of ashamed because I hadn't even heard of the movie and here I had, a non Italian, that was singing its praises. It took me a while to get the movie but now that I've seen it I have only one thing to say - Wow! and then the question-how is it possible that a one hundred per cent Italian movie that breaks every rule and does so, not only successfully, but aggressively upfront can be ignored in his own country? I'm sure there is an answer for that and the answer could explain the sadness of the present landscape as far as Italian movies are concerned. Besides the performances by Elio Germano (fantastic!) and Luca Lionello (hilarious!) there is a few minutes cameo by Libero De Rienzo himself that would be enough reason going to the movies for. Complimenti!
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