Trinity Blood (2005)
Beautiful anime that is not finished
10 June 2007
This anime contains 24 episodes! And sadly I have to report it has an open ending! Some matters don't get explained! My guess is that there was going to be a sequel but because of low ratings never got made! After reading some articles on the net it seems that only a small Japanese audience are interested in a dark,Gothic series like this! Well to be honest I don't know what they mean by that because "Trinity Blood" isn't dark and certainly not in comparison with other anime about vampires! I suspect that it has something to do with the biblical references and the catholic church that have a prominent role in the series! But don't let these references put you off! They are not trying to convert you! And the reason why the Vatican are in charge of the human world will be explained! The story is not that difficult to follow! Mostly the story is about the battle between good and evil!(The action scenes depicting these battles are quite impressive and effective!) Very predictable at times! That doesn't mean that you won't be surprised by the events! Because you will! There are a few twists and turns that made the story more interesting! The story works thanks to the drama the characters endure! The main characters are very likable and that is why you will care for them! I could go describing the different characters! But I am not going to! Part of the fun for this anime is discovering who these characters are! "Trinity Blood" is beautifully animated (good mix of animation and cgi)and very stylish! The musical score is superb! (There is this exciting battle theme! When you hear this theme you know that something spectacular will happen.) In comparison with other anime about vampires "Trinity Blood" isn't entirely original! But it does add some new ideas and elements that makes it worth watching!
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