A Cold Day in Hell (2007 Video)
poor, but worth a try for its main subject.
4 July 2007
the best compliment for this movie is for the script's main subject which is wildly ignored in popular/Hollywood cinema. from the title and cover art you'd expect the movie to be anti homosexuals and anti transsexuals but in reality it presents them in a pretty acceptable way. it's a comedy, sure there is some gay bashing, but the jokes were all in good mood and along with them were also jokes about the straight guys so it didn't just praise heterosexuals. the transsexual girl was presented in a loving way and i thought her to be sweet. overall the script is very nice by its ideas, pace and characters but what really wrecked the movie is the incredibly low quality of sound, video, direction and editing. the photography is absolutely terrible and the sound is so distorted i couldn't understand a word at a certain scene. the actors did the best they could with those production values. had this script been produced in a higher budget i think they could've pulled something very nice and enjoyable and a several levels of intelligence higher than the usual romantic summer comedies. the biggest complain about the script btw is the last minute, even if the idea was nice (and it wasn't) it was done very badly. recommended if you don't mind sitting through a d-movie and you're interested in gay romances. personally i liked it better than the horrible gay comedy Another Gay Movie back a year ago. i have no idea why it's called A Cold Day in Hell btw.
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