A beautiful finish to a spectacular story
18 July 2007
I never imagined that graphics as good as these were possible to produce. I mean you see a lot of movies out which covers monsters, aliens, paranormal, machinery and completely impossible architectural designs, but the thing about them is they look unrealistic, you all may think that's not surprising as they are just that, but they don't follow the realism level that a properly made movie should have. Beyond a story, in fact beyond the creation of a story, the story creator must think about A lot of things, they need to think about capturing the audience, and keeping them hostage in it's pursuing tensity until it's finished. I find in a lot of high budget movies is that they are putting almost too much effort into it, as if they are telling everyone that this movie will be beyond all movies, there's nothing wrong with that, but just leaving it at that and using all their creative designs thinking about how their film can be better than the rest is a waste, during the production of something so incredible, they need to think about the originality, the characters, they need to make the characters original.

So as this money is being spent, I would actually prefer to watch something that is focused on the natural idea, I want to watch something that is incredible, something that keeps me on my seat, ignoring everything around me, as if I am actually transforming myself as another character, unknown to the rest of course, but I want to feel as though I am IN the design.

Which brings me to my point, being that, The Matrix is something that isn't being finished every year, it's not a movie that you see over and over, I think these films are something you watch just once and then stick the DVD in a gold case on your bedroom wall, and every time you look at it you remember the entire journey.

I hope that when people watch this, they wont think of it as being just like the rest, but completely different and heartfelt, as if they have just sat through a different life, I hope that they notice the details, and the emotion, as much as the characters and how gorgeous you think they look, look past them and see a story, a trilogy, that has something to it you most likely will never see again.
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