Examination of whats real, whats not and how we perceive what we see whether real or not
22 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While watching a play on stage concerning the events around a "miraculous" birth, the pretend story begins to become real, however the audience isn't always aware of whats real and whats not leading to some tragic consequences.

Hated by many, loved by others this is a tough film to watch. Most people will point to the rape that happens late in the film as an endurance test, others will point to some of the other nasty acts. I find the film hard to take because all of the characters are basically hateful. I don't think there is anyone we truly like anywhere in the film. To be certain we feel for some more than others, but everyone has an edge that keeps us distant. I like the film on many levels simply because the film provokes strong reactions and makes you think about what you are seeing.

To be honest the film isn't perfect, as I said the film isn't filled with likable people, and the film also suffers in that one of its key points, that we as an audience sometimes take what we perceive to be entertainment too lightly, has been picked up and done almost to death thanks to reality shows, subsequent movies and just a casual looking at the media. That said the film still is a kick in the pants thanks to Greenaway's wizardry at putting the story on screen.

Not for the squeamish or those upset by nasty acts including a never ending rape, this is worth a look for those who want to be challenged as to how we see the world.
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