Fun and Well Done
4 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I first caught this movie on the "HERE" movie package and bought the DVD to see it again and for the commentary provided. Much recommended, both.

Though unpolished at spots, this is overall a very good indie film. What strikes me, and might explain why repeated viewing occurred in my case, is the quality of the performances. The female leads by their IMDb profiles are rather thin resumes. One currently is on a syndicated home improvement show, the other appears not have had work for years. But, they are great.

The clueless socialite -- who of all things recently played a nurse (available free at her IMDb page; a very good performance) in an AIDS hospital -- was also wonderful. Various supporting characters were also very good. For instance, the husband ... a thankless role, sure, but well done. See, e.g., the scene before the ball where the problems the couple has is subtly shown. The gay couple gets less play, but they are nice too. Great cast.

The writing is good as well. It has some rough patches -- honestly, one highlight scene seemed a bit rushed in a way -- but it was equally amusing and heartfelt. The fact the writer/director was writing from experience (up to a pt) shined thru. I also am not sure if the "water" thing totally worked. It ultimately was a bit silly and the true focus of the movie are the two couples.

The commentary is also recommended -- the w/d and the two female leads take part. It addresses some concerns. For instance, yes, as a satire there are caricatures. Second, yes, Kelli Herd herself experienced the gospel choir, which is why she used it in the funeral scene. She also notes she knows a couple who met in a "no mo homo" meeting. More info can be found on the website, which is available online. (The website is now defunct; sadly so, since it had photos and so forth). I'm sure other concerns were addressed as well. It wasn't as deep as some commentary tracks, but overall, it was fun to hear the three discuss the movie.

Someone noted that the dying guy didn't really look sick. I didn't really think about that, but I guess that might be an issue. The decline also happened rather suddenly ... one moment he looks pretty healthy, next he is ready to die. Well, it is a hospice, but still ... but, honestly, it didn't upset me too much.

Another comment noted some characters were mean. Such is life, surely in a conservative little town in Texas, and it should be pointed out that even the mother did hire the gay decorator. And, deep down, we see many in the town are good people.

Finally, I love the expressions on the characters' faces ... were they told to overact in that regard? I don't know, but it is quite funny. This includes various expressions of Teresa Garrett (Grace) in which she looks like she wants to punch Sloan.
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