An abysmally stupid film
14 August 2007
Capsule review: Think Dirty Harry or Death Wish as vomited up on the screen by formerly molested altar boy who has just seen Pulp Fiction.

It's an "angry white dude" vigilante movie for the oi/fascist/skinhead crowd, since Dirty Harry just isn't cool anymore, Clint Eastwood's too old, Charles Bronson doesn't have enough tattoos, and well, Rambo's too establishment.

I was not bothered by the "ridiculousness" of the movie, nor the poor production quality. It's just stupid and offensive, that's all. How do you make catholicism hip? I know! have them kill people while reciting their prayers in Latin! Yeah, that's it! Catholicism's now part of the hip, sadistic, Tarantino-fueled counterculture!

On some level the movie is at times enjoyable, but it's so stupid and reactionary. Psychopathic reactionaries like Troy Duffy seem to have hit the "hip jackpot" of blood, guns, snuff & torture scenes, heavily choreographed "slow mo" shootouts and fake, "snappy" dialog replete with obscure pop culture references ... it really seems to have a never ending appeal with the troglodyte population of the USA.

Sorry, there's just no way to make Christianity "hip," not all the snuff gore in the world will do that.

(it's already been tried)
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