Terrorstorm (2006 Video)
While I'm still doubtful of much of the 911 conspiracy plot this film does raise raise some intriguing questions about the use of terror to control a population
18 August 2007
Film by Alex Jones who runs the Prison Planet website about the use of terror to control the population. It particularly looks at the London subway bombings and of course 911. Intriguing up to a point (and once you get past the history lesson that starts the film) this film raises a good number of questions about the London bombing and its timing prior to the start of the Iraq war. While they spin out a good number of questions they do what a good number of these documentaries do, they don't follow up, something they accuse the media of doing to hide the truth. A case in point is survivor who said the bomb was not in the train car but under the car. They show the news story concerning the allegation but make no mention if they ever tried to contact the survivor. After London they follow the story back to 911 and the twin towers. As always we get lots of stories, and pieces of evidence but no one ever has anything solid. Its just more of the same. Yes there are questions, no you haven;'t even answered them. Its an okay movie but I once again get the feeling that no one really wants to do the leg work on this. Worth a look if the mood hits you but as with all of these films take it with a grain of salt.
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