The Lack of Sense
25 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. SPOILER. The only way this movie & ending makes any sense is if the planet was earth all alone...Leo is not aware that he traveled in time...AND if he traveled at the end, NOT back to his own time, but into the future again (or as my husband insists into another dimension which would not work because the anomaly was a time warp not a dimensional warp or none of it would have taken place.) Anyway, if you go back in time and make sure that you and all the other humans don't exist, you would then never be born and therefore couldn't go back in time to change anything. If he were on earth the whole time the future aspect works better -- so the readings on the space module were shown rewinding in time in error. Why do that? There is not the remotest chance that someone could go through a time warp and find the exact time he left and get back to his home era and place (hitting it exactly would be like throwing a dart from earth at the stars hoping to hit a specific one.) I can only assume that somehow Thrase got loose, crazier than ever, and finished the task of killing off all the humans.

Sorry for any misspelllings.

Also why would Washington DC still exist and be the same as it was only with apes instead of humans? How would they even know to put Thrace there except they tore down Lincoln and erected their own statue in his place. The similarities could not have been random.

The only other possible explanation of the ending is that there really were no people at all and this astronaut is dreaming the whole thing. I hate that premise...it's a cop out.

Also, where was his chimp friend in the module those few days? Past, present, future? Could he have altered the course of evolution somehow? Evolution, as far as we know, takes more than 2000 years anyway...billions of years to develop language and speech, too. So DUH.

The movie was fabulous as far as costumes, acting, cinematography but the plot was terrible and awfully unsatisfying ending especially is you were expecting something like the awesome surprise ending at the end of the original Planet of the Apes which was an explanation not something that created total bafflement and left you wondering what the H***?

Also, will the message about being humane to humans and apes, why didn't they list the names of the real chimpanzees in the movie on the cast and credits? Who played Semos etc.?
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