New 'Adult' Series for HBO???
5 September 2007
I was flipping through my Entertainment Weekly this past week and came upon an advertisement for a new HBO series that looked interesting. It looked to me like a new show about relationships (like 'Sex and the City' without the comedy) which sounded pretty good...

It said that it was premiering this Sunday but it was available on HBO On Demand already so I decided to take the night and watch it. It started out OK with good developing of characters and such that is typical of a new series' pilot episode. But then it moved straight from a dramatic scene into the couple starting to have sex. And I'm not talking about soft-core adult cable show sex, I mean visual sex.

On the 5 minute 'about the show' segment (also available on HBO On Demand) the show's creator talked about how this show would have more graphic and intense sex because these people were actually in relationships, it wasn't just going to be meaningless sex that is typical in adult film or television series. But when I'm watching a show (especially the pilot episode) I actually don't want there to be graphic sex. I know they're having sex if they start getting into it and then show them naked doing 'something' for about 15 seconds and then that's it, but when you've got a run-on scene of it for about 5 minutes it seems to be more of a porno than a television show.

The reason I gave this a 6 out of 10 is because of the characters and relationships. They both seem perfect for how the show can go, and how far it will go. My only hope is that they tone down the sex just a little.

During all but the last few minutes of the show I was saddened to see that they showed the oldest couple for only about 5 minutes. It was very heart-warming to see a couple that have been together for many years be so great to each other and then have the comparison for the other characters. But they were only on-screen for about 5 minutes until the end. Which, I don't know about anybody else, but I most certainly don't want to think that 70-year-old married couples do what this couple did during the last 3 minutes of this show's pilot.

I have always watched new shows with an open mind, which is why I'm willing to watch the second episode of this show as well. I also get the point that the creator is trying to make which is that sex is beautiful and part of everybody's life no matter how, when, or what they do when they do it. But when you're trying to actually have an outstanding plot with very great characters in the mix, it's just not very possible.

I hope you enjoy the pilot if you watch it!
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