Smallville meets The Jerk
10 September 2007
Steve martin plays a Mormon exile who has many wives and many more kids in this family movie about the epic battle between fundamentalist Mormons and Jews. Eugene levy plays a sensational role as a land owner who also has a lot of kids and a wife played by Carmen Electra. a key contradiction i noticed in the film is that martin's wife is played by someone who was in jumanji whereas levy's wife was married to Dennis rodman. i will never understand the casting director's decision in this regard. i also noticed that martin's oldest son is superman but he refuses to own up to his powers. you can easily understand this when you watch the part at the end where the familes have a tournament to see who is genetically superior. tom welling is in the egg on a spoon race and drops the egg and then trips and thusly falling to the ground; however, i have seen many episodes of smallville and i know for a fact that welling has impeccable balance and that his reflexes are so fast that he could have caught that egg even after it fell. probably the moral of the story is that they have a pet rat who steals all their stuff (another allusion to the common practices of Jewish people) and yet they find all the stolen stuff in a wall. it was very emotional and dare i say shakespearean.
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