Crossing Jordan (2001–2007)
27 September 2007
CROSSING JORDAN was on the air for six years, then canceled by NBC without a proper finale. I have caught most of the episodes, not always in order, in reruns on A&E. Most of the characters are captivating, and together they make a family of sorts. Jordan herself (Jill Hennessey of LAW & ORDER fame)is a feisty Boston ME who plays by her own rules and doesn't hesitate to become Nancy Drew if she thinks the occasion calls for it. The character is clearly influenced by Sandra Bullock's haunted detective in MURDER By NUMBERS. Her boss, Dr. Macy (Miguel Ferrer) is a sheep in wolf's clothing. He seems tough, and he can be when he needs to, but he is a real softie underneath. Jordan's colleagues Bug (Ravi Kapor) and Nigel (Steve Valentine) are the Abbott and Costello or Hope and Crosby of the morgue. A likable but often perplexed detective (Jerry O'Connell from SLIDERS) is often on hand, and as the seasons wore on, several additional supporting players came and went. Holding the whole thing together is Lily (Kathryn Hahn), who keeps everyone in line with a delicate but firm touch. The show as a whole was rarely as gripping as HOUSE or even SCRUBS, but it had its moments. Too bad it never found its audience. But it did last six seasons, no mean feat. I am sorry to see it go.
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