The Deadly Dream (1971 TV Movie)
Please help me find out if this is the right movie
30 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Deadly Dream" sounds a lot like this one movie I saw on television in the 80s and have been trying to learn the name of since. I will write down what I remember of that movie in the hope that someone will tell me what its name was. Maybe it was "Deadly Dream."

At the beginning, a man is running away from some assailants through what looks like a construction site. They corner him by a chicken wire fence and overpower him. They roll up his sleeves to bare his arm. They cut it and smear the wound with some liquid. The man is in terror as if he knew what that liquid would do to him., and faints.

He wakes up in bed. Next to him, his wife. It's only been a dream. Our protagonist is a scientist. His colleagues, men and women, look and sound like regular upper middle class Americans, handsome and witty. This is his waking life, or so we think.

But he falls asleep and comes to in the other world. He is back at the construction site. He goes for help. For some reason, the police ignores him. Eventually, he runs into the same colleagues we've met. They whisk him away to some den and explain the matter to him. The world is in danger from someone's diabolical scheme, and they--and he--are part of the resistance. I think this resistance group may be called the "Friends." Then our guy passes out again, and back to his waking life.

Back and forth, on and on. The same cast of people prominent in both versions of life and on parallel tracks. For example: Upon waking from a nightmare in which a Friend meets with a horrific death, our protagonist may hear the news of that same friend's death by a stroke.

Until things get worse and worse for him. The last scene is of him dying in both lives. The villains have got him, and in the waking life he is being wheeled to an operating room.

Some such sequence, although some of it above may be inventions of my mind, it's been so long. The movie may have been black and white. There may have been a seven-headed dragon coming out of the sea. I don't remember any tribunal though.

Please if anyone knows this movie, please let me know what it is by leaving a comment here. Thanks very much.
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