Drawn Together (2004–2007)
Probably the Stupidest Crap on Television
13 October 2007
Drawn Together. Essentially (and supposedly) the first ever reality show that ultimately spoofs all the goofy "reality" shows out there by putting an interesting twist on things, I.E. presenting the show as a cartoon, containing every possible cartoon stereotype you can think of while injecting as many pop culture references, gross-out humor, graphic violence and sexuality as possible. Sounds like the oh-so-common grand recipe for another hilarious (albeit South Park/Family Guy ripoff) animated spoof on society, right? Wrong. And I'll tell you why.

Normally, Drawn Together most likely would have easily lived up to all the hype it received prior to its official televised airing, with the previews showcasing all the typical satirical humor and content these types of shows carry, and giving the viewer a brief falsified glimpse of what was supposedly to come and creating the illusion that this show might actually be considered "humorous" especially considering the hefty amounts of shock-value Drawn Together relies on. Unfortunately, even if the previews and teasers did in fact convince a considerable audience to tune in to view the pilot episode, I seriously doubt that even half of the original viewing audience bothered to tune in to view any subsequent episodes, or even ever watch the show again period, for that matter. Why you ask? Well, for one thing, if you're reading this and asking that question legitimately, in good conscious I would have to assume that you've never actually seen the show. And if you are a fan, forgive me for my personal opinions, but in all honesty I for one simply cannot fathom how anyone would actually enjoy this show.

The main problem Drawn Together has is that despite initially having all the right tools needed for a quality satire on the current day and age, Drawn Together fails miserably to utilize these tools correctly, and instead bounces off the walls with confusing, irrelevant and inconsistent punch lines, that, although are caught quickly and easily understood by the casual viewer, don't end up actually garnering a chuckle from the viewer because these points of humor are not used at the right times during the show. It's like taking a blank, white canvas, having all these different colored paints, and then taking all the paints you have and soaking the canvas with them all at the same time and hoping to come up with a beautiful masterpiece. It simply isn't going to happen.

The reason why shows like South Park, Family Guy and even Robot Chicken have been so successful despite having a very similar approach to comedy is because the creators and writers of these shows understood that having an at least fair amount of consistency and relevance to their product were essential attributes needed to back up the humor their shows present. It's all about being able to accurately build your storyline in such a way that you are able to plug in your humor so that your product actually ends up being funny. Shock-value and randomness alone is simply not enough to make a show funny, and in turn usually just ends up making a show overwhelmingly annoying and painful to watch. The Simpsons and Futurama have not exactly lived up their own respective hypes, but even they have not imploded with miserable failure the way Drawn Together has.

Unless they are reacting to surprisingly positive ratings Drawn Together is receiving, I cannot understand why Comedy Central continues to push this awful series. Drawn Together is by far the worse thing Comedy Central has ever released, and I'm including Lil' Bush and Freak Show. All Drawn Together really is is tasteless content combined with sickening levels of shock-value and obvious but still non-funny references to pop culture and the media. This show really had a ton of potential if only it was marketed properly, but alas, not every program of this kind is destined to live up to the standards that it should.
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