Great Thrills, Great Story
15 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw Ayakashi I was amazed by the strong animation and the story behind it.

There are 3 different separate stories, each having about 3 episodes. First deals with an angry ghost, originally a beautiful woman cheated and disappointed by her husband Iemon who chose a younger girl over her. Her curse will finally destroy him and everybody that surrounds them. The second story is about a beautiful demon princess (a lost god) who lives in a castle who falls in love with a mortal and thus dooms her kind. A tragic battle is fought between humans and demons and the end is somewhat unexpected. I guess the main idea of this second story is freedom and having the right to choose whom to love. The third story (which I loved the most) is about a magician who enters a house haunted by a Bake Neko, a black cat. His purpose is to find out what the spirit is and under what circumstances did it appear, why does it hate the humans living there so much. When I saw the magician sprinkling salt on the floor I remembered an old tale from my country saying that salt keeps bad spirits away and you should sprinkle it on the doorstep so that no-one with bad intentions should enter your house.

I loved these stories and I would recommend them to anyone who loves a horror tale with a twist of evilness.

I gave it a 10 out of 10. By the way, if you liked this, you will also like the Requiem for the Darkness series of tales.
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