Yeah, I'm biased – so sue me
4 November 2007
Before I start getting complaints, or at least dumbfounded looks, from people who strongly disagree with my rating, I should explain a number of ways in which I'm biased here:

* I'm an easy date when it comes to horror films in general--as long as they're technically competent, they're almost guaranteed a 5 out of 10 from me.

* I have a soft spot for long-running series. The more horror films the better if you ask me, and never-ending series seem to agree with me.

* I'm a HUGE Frank Zappa fan, so the excitement of seeing both Ahmet and Diva Zappa in the same film--and with a bit of Frank-like blow-up doll action, no less--brings my score up a notch. (My only question is why didn't they have Diva's character kill Ahmet's character?)

* As soon as Eva Mendes appears on screen, I fall in love and become hypnotized. By the way, great decision on the wardrobe, Mr. Wiley.

* I'm a big fan of "B-movie" warhorses like David Carradine and Fred Williamson.

And aside from those biases, this isn't at all a bad film, even if it can be a bit predictable. It's consistent with the Children of the Corn mythos--in so far as the mythos makes sense in general--and also extends it nicely. I can't say whether the film is scary, as I don't really find that quality in any film, but it certainly was entertaining, and the Teflon coating on the main protagonist, Allison (Stacy Galina) was an unusual touch.
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