Buried Alive (2007)
fun to watch, impossible to appreciate, typical B movie viewing
6 November 2007
#i'm trying a new simple review system like this so i don't know if its hard or easy to read XD#

IN A NUTSHELL: hatable teen personalities stay in a haunted house. a potentially good plot line is lost within the endless repetition of sorority rituals. good movie to sit and laugh a with friends.

Positives: -the movie is fun to watch. the acting is very laughable in most parts and actually add to the enjoyment of the film IMO -there is at least one creepy scene. i wont say where, but the classic horror style of "things changing their position at the speed of light" really gets used in an okay, albeit clichéd way. -THE SOUNDTRACK!!! i don't know who most of the artists are...but the soundtrack was so catchy for me the whole way through, especially tracks by Poets & Pornstars -Constant TnA throughout makes it a real teen horror movie. -an attempt at a deep plot is introduced roughly halfway, which, although failing miserably by the end, does give the viewers the chance to pick out he plot holes and make a better fold of events in their minds. -I'm not really a fan of Tobin Bell, but he wasn't awful in this. -some gore, although much of it was so bad that it was laughable again. -fairly decent special effects for a B-movie -nice set, even if it did seem highly unusual to me that a mansion sat in the middle of the desert. -predictable, but overall acceptable ending.

Negatives: -as described in the positives, the acting is laughably bad...and for some it may be turn off straight away -the constant insinuation of incest seems unnecessary as it doesn't add to the plot.had it been developed into the plot line it may have worked, but it wasn't, and it didn't. -the personalities of all the characters sucked. rich, stupid, snobby and bitchy seemed to flow through most of the characters. a little diversity could have gone a long way. -MASSIVE lack of back story behind the only remotely interesting character, who didn't even become remotely interesting until the last third of the film. -lots of repetition -lots of repetition -lots of repetition

VISUAL: decent sets, some great and not-so-great specialFX CAMERA: decent shooting, nothing too special, but good placements SOUND:great music choices, average sound effects CAST: great to look at, but their characters seemed out.

CUTE: no CREEPY: nope DRAMATIC: no FUNNY: Yes MELODRAMATIC: not really GORY: not very SAD: no SCARY: No SEXY: moderately SMART: not at all TENSE: maybe WORTH WATCHING: for fun WORTH PAYING: no

RECAP: -worth watching purely for some eye candy and something to chat about with friends once in a while. not scary-

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Overall: 6 out of 10:

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