Girl kicks butt.... unfortunately.
10 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I say unfortunately because Jake Busey was the only decent actor in this movie.

To be honest I have to watch a movie at least 4 times in order to review it properly, and each time I watched this it seemed to grow on me more and more.

Sure 99% of the characters were lame delinquents, but I take my hat off to that Jake each and every movie he performs in.

He's known for his acts of evil characters, that's because he does them so well, he's believable, he can make anybody hate and despise him so easily, and on the same page he can make the audience feel proud and emotionally connect with his characters.

I think one thing people forget when they rate these kind of movies, is that it's obvious the director knows it wont be a big hit like lord of the rings, or the shining or the godfather, it's just a movie that succeeds on it's own level.

In this film you see plenty of action, the main guy who WILL get on your nerves will die, the villain does die as they do, but the way he does is creative, well you may not think getting blown up is very original, but it was just plain cool to see a woman do it, to see a woman survive and do the deed.

The effects were brilliant, you see a man chop off his own finger and throw it into a fryer, and you actuall cringe and feel that tingly feeling because you believe that it's real, even though you know it isn't, you just forget about it.

This movie was really great in it's own way!
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