Not Convinced
15 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Having just watched Endgame I thought I would share a few thoughts with you all. Firstly the doco is well made, most of Jone's work is. And it certainly covers an interesting topic. However I must confess that it failed to convince me in any way that the "elite" whoever "they" are are planning to wipe out 80% of humanity while they live on forever in paradise, it all sounds like a b-grade sci-fi horror film to me.

For one thing as I pointed out earlier Jones fails to even tell us exactly who the "New World Order" are. He continually uses vague words like "The Elite" and "Them" and "They" so Its impossible to know exactly who he is talking about. He also fails to gave any evidence at all as to how exactly 80% of the worlds population is to be wiped out, how the rest are to be herded into huge cities, or how the elite are going to live forever. He just gives us a few jingles about genetics.

It's hard to know if Jones is onto something or if the guy is just paranoid. I consider myself to have an open mind, however an open mind still requires facts, Jones fails to deliver. I will however continue to watch the power brokers around the world and will certainly keep an eye open for any major calamity heading our way. If Jones wants to convince free thinking informed people that Armageddon is just around the corner he is going to have to do a lot better than this.
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